December 13, 2024
Pace, diritti e innovazione: il calcio senza confini come dialogo tra le culture
Il calcio e lo sport come via di inclusione per rifugiati: tipo Mahdi Bahrami, arrivato in Austria dall’Afghanistan attraverso l’Iran dieci anni fa, oggi non solo laureato in chimica industriale ma anche allenatore e Youth leader di «Kicken ohne Grenzen» («Calciare senza confini») che finora ha contribuito a inserire oltre 1200 giovani di tutto il […]
Read full articleDecember 13, 2024
Aliança das Civilizações da ONU e BMW Group distinguem 10 projetos no Intercultural Innovation Hub
Este ano foram distinguidos projetos de organizações da Áustria, Botsuana, Canadá, Índia, Indonésia, Quénia, Nigéria, Peru, Estados Unidos e Zâmbia. A BMW Group e a Aliança das Civilizações das Nações Unidas (UNAOC) distinguiram na terça-feira dez projetos, no âmbito do Intercultural Innovation Hub (IIH). A iniciativa, implementada com o apoio da Accenture, tem como intuito […]
Read full articleOctober 20, 2023
Interkulturelles Verständnis bereichert die Gemeinschaften
Nicht der Konflikt, sondern die Solidarität zwischen den Kulturen macht uns stark. Deshalb wurden im Mai dieses Jahres zehn vorbildliche Nichtregierungsorganisationen aus der ganzen Welt im Rahmen des hoch angesehenen Intercultural Innovation Hub ausgezeichnet. Der Intercultural Innovation Hub ist eine Partnerschaft zwischen der United Nations Alliance of Organizations (UNAOC) und der BMW Group, die Basisinitiativen […]
Read full articleApril 14, 2021
World Responsible Tourism Awards 2020
The ambition of the Awards has always been to recognise businesses and destinations which are making tourism better and to spread good practice – to educate, inspire and challenge others to do likewise or do more. In this year, when the world faces a global pandemic, it seemed inappropriate to continue with the World Responsible […]
Read full articleJanuary 11, 2021
Sheryl Olitzky, Co-Founder and Executive Director for Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom, or SOSS; Sara Haider, Assistant Director, Chapter Management, for SOSS; and Julie Plaut Warwick, Laughter Yoga Teacher and Co-chairperson of SOSS Eastside (Seattle greater area) will talk with Sara Jamshidi about the importance of re-building kindness, peace and a sense of sisterhood between Jewish […]
Read full articleAugust 30, 2020
An enduring sisterhood for unlikely friends
Mounera and her family wanted to learn English, so in January 2017, she nervously awaited the arrival of a stranger who offered to help. Back in Syria, before the war, Mounera had been an elementary school Arabic teacher. Her husband, Mohammed, was an engineer. Life was good for the couple, their boys, and their extended […]
Read full articleJuly 16, 2020
Rising Loaves and Rising Hopes: Diverse Communities Come Together Over Bread
The Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom Brings Women Together Through Baking: Marla Andich loves to bake. She bakes at home, she bakes for family, and she bakes for friends. One of her specialties is challah, the braided egg bread traditionally served for Shabbat dinners and other Jewish holidays. A quick jump across the Mississippi River, but […]
Read full articleMay 30, 2020
Both victimized by hate crimes, Muslim and Jewish women band together to help migrants at the Mexican border. It is a pre-pandemic Monday afternoon in an airless courtroom on the second floor of the Federal Courthouse in Tucson. I glimpse the wide chocolate eyes of a terrified Guatemalan teenager in a stained red T-shirt with […]
Read full articleFebruary 18, 2020
What kind of country does this?
Of all the people I met during my trip last month to the U.S.-Mexico border, one person’s face haunts me. Maria (not her real name) sat across from me at the lunch table at the Casa Alitas shelter in Tucson. This temporary refuge takes care of the lucky few immigrants who are allowed into the […]
Read full articleJanuary 16, 2020
Residents and faith leaders preach love in the face of rising anti-Semitism and hate crimes
In the wake of the recent wave of anti-Semitic violence and a surge in hate crimes in the past year – state Attorney General Gurbir Grewal announced Monday that in 2019 New Jersey saw the largest year-over-year rise in bias crime since 1991 –residents and local leaders gathered in Highland Park last night to denounce […]
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