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  • May 1, 2013

    Efforts on to make stations garbage-free

    In a bid to clean railway stations in the Capital, the Northern Railway has helped NGO Chintan to set up a bottle-crushing machine at the New Delhi station. “The units has become functional and is handling 6,000 bottles a day,” said a senior railway official. The NGO is also running a garbage segregation facility at […]

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  • April 23, 2013

    Ragpickers swear passengers to green oath

    They were quite a sight on Monday, dressed in green jackets and mingling with the passengers at the New Delhi Railway Station. Passengers were taken aback when they were approached by them, some refused to even talk but others broke into a smile and happily took up the pen that the team was brandishing. The […]

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  • March 30, 2013

    BMW, UN help build Christian-Muslim bridge

    By Riza T. Olchondra Over the years, various groups have made strides in bridging the gaps between peoples, especially between Christians and Muslims, since Spanish colonizers used religion to divide and conquer Philippine “natives” centuries ago. Interestingly, many people from both sides tend to equate “dialogue” with “debate”—trying to bring the other party to one’s […]

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  • March 5, 2013

    Magyar a legjobb tíz között

    Pénzdíjat ugyan nem kapott, de a nyertesek közt van Tarrósy István, akinek kedd este a bécsi Volkstheaterben az ENSZ-főtitkár Ban Ki Mun és Placido Domingo operaénekes is gratulált az ENSZ Civilizációk Szövetsége és a BMW-csoport közös díjátadó gáláján. Az Immigropoly nevű, Tarrósy cége által fejlesztett oktató játék bekerült a legjobb tízbe, ami óriási teljesítmény: 92 […]

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  • March 1, 2013

    Back to school: From rags to school— Chintan’s efforts win global award

    By Aditi Vatsa When nine-year-old Chhabikul moved to Delhi with his father, he did not know that the move would spell the end to his schooling days. Having studied at a primary school in his village till Class II, Chhabikul tried to get admission to a government school in Mehrauli. However, with the school authorities […]

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  • February 28, 2013

    I fumetti di Selene che aiutano i bambini

    By Olivia Manola «Ricevo 60 richieste di interviste l’anno, dalla piccola testata locale al The Guardian e al Washington Post. Nei mesi scorsi, tre partiti italiani mi hanno persino proposto di candidarmi al Parlamento. Impossibile, con tutto quello che ho da fare». Selene Biffi, classe 1982, brianzola di Mezzago, una laurea in economia in Bocconi […]

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  • February 27, 2013

    Intercultural Innovation Award, un’italiana fra i vincitori

    By Ilaria Orru Al Volkstheatre di Vienna, alla presenza del segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite Ban Ki Moon, sono stati proclamati i vincitori del premio Intercultural Innovation Award, promosso da United Nations Alliance of civilizations (Unaoc) e dal gruppo Bmw. I primi cinque classificati hanno ottenuto un finanziamento per portare avanti la propria idea, più […]

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  • February 27, 2013

    Global Forum Vienna 2013 setzt auf Leadership

    Ganz im Zeichen von verantwortungsvollem Leadership steht das heute, Mittwoch, in Wien gestartete UNAOC Global Forum Vienna 2013. Schirmherr und UNO-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-Moon beklagt in seiner Begrüßungsrede vor allem die steigende Zahl von Krisenherden in der Welt. “Man schottet sich ab, was alles nur verschlimmert.” Die UN Alliance of Civilisations solle Brücken bauen und so […]

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  • February 27, 2013

    Preisverleihung Intercultural Innovation Award

    Mit diesem Award sollen langfristig angelegte Initiativen, die anhaltende und positive Auswirkungen haben, gefördert werden.Gestern Abend wurde im Wiener Volkstheater der Intercultural Innovation Award der United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) und der BMW Group verliehen. Der angesehene internationale Award soll zur sozialen Stabilität und zum wirtschaftlichen Wachstum in multikulturellen Gesellschaften beitragen. Prämiert werden besonders […]

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  • February 27, 2013

    Gana Proyecto Mexicano Premio de Innovación Intercultural

    El proyecto mexicano Puerta Joven-Lenguas Jóvenes fue anunciado hoy aquí como ganador del Premio de Innovación Intercultural 2012, en el marco del quinto Foro Global de las Naciones Unidas para la Alianza de las Civilizaciones, que continuará este miércoles 27 de febrero…

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