January 11, 2020
El MUPI está entre los ganadores del 11.º Premio Ibermuseos de Educación
El principal programa de cooperación para los museos de Iberoamérica (Ibermuseos) dio a conocer, este 17 de septiembre de 2020, que el Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (MUPI) con su proyecto De la Pandemia a la Esperanza es uno de los veinte ganadores del 11.° Premio Ibermuseos de Educación, destinado excepcionalmente a la […]
Read full articleJune 20, 2019
How This Woman Is Making Cities Safe
The sky never was the limit for Elsa Marie D’Silva. Not only because she used to work in the aviation industry. Elsa is one of those high-flyers who learn on the go and easily adapt. Whatever it takes, she is willing to put her heart in it and make things happen. This is why she […]
Read full articleMay 21, 2019
Humanity’s cultural diversity can be a huge driving force for the development of our cities. Australian Peter Mousaferiadis wants to tap into this potential – with the help of the BMW Group. How many different nationalities do you encounter when you have lunch in the cafeteria? How many languages do you hear when you go […]
Read full articleApril 24, 2019
So imagine this. You are sitting across from a panel of industry experts, let’s say the CEO of Microsoft Israel, the CEO of Facebook Israel and the CEO of Citi Israel. You are describing the startup company that you founded and worked on for years. And if you weren’t already nervous enough, your presentation is […]
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